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horizons (horizonal structure)
phenomenological: the background framework against which the world stands
computer: the ergonomic structures that enable interaction with the virtual through a computer
a network of network that connects technological devices enabling information sharing
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
20th century French philosopher and writer of Phenomenology of Perception
mutual agreement of trust
phenomenological: when individual consciousnesses are to commit to a shared project, they must make space in their own intersubjectivity to acknowledge another conscious being
Phenomenology of Perception
a groundbreaking phenomenological text with perception as the center of a complete ontology, written by Merleau-Ponty in 1945
occurring in the physical world
physical world
the material, spatial world that our bodies inhabit and share with other bodies
problem of other minds
the philosophical problem whether other minds exist, or if we are the only mind that has ever existed, to which Merleau-Ponty has a strong refutation
computer: the way that information is presented to the user such that it acts as the user's window to the virtualized world
shared projects
phenomenological: projects undertaken by more than one person, and where project success is dependent on individuals entering a mutual agreement of trust
social media
all of the mediums (applications, websites, etc.) which enable users to create profiles with the goal of interacting with other user's profiles
spatial horizons
how the horizons of the physical world present us with an understanding of physical space, by standing our existence and our perception against other spatially oriented objects
as opposed to the physical; anything that is done through the medium of technology
virtual horizons
as opposed to physical (spatial) horizons; the background structure that informs virtual perception and action; the background structure of the virtual world
virtual space
the area within the virtual world which can be acted in, or acted on
virtual world
the world which is created by constant virtualization
the entire system in which the virtual and virtualized occur; the sum of what happens, becomes, and inherently is virtual
virtualized (to virtualize)
when something physical is transformed to be made virtual, usually by some form of computational mediation; the act of transforming the physical to the virtual
a particularly well-known video conferencing platform in 2020
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